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2019 Conference and Developers Day

del 26 al 29 de August del 2019


Please find below the IGeLU 2019 Conference, Developers' Day plus Ex Libris Knowledge Day Programme, in a slightly abbreviated form. The final and full version of the programme will be published in the IGeLU Conference App available from Apple Store & Google Play. The Conference Planning Committee reserves the right to make last minute alterations to the schedule where necessary.

So Happy Together: Change for One, Change for Eight. The Hong Kong Shared Experience.

miércoles, el 28 de agosto de 2019 a las 14:30–15:30 +08
Topaz 220/225
Conference or Developers' Day



In July 2017 all eight publicly funded academic libraries in Hong Kong (the Joint University Librarians Advisory Committee – JULAC) migrated from eight individual integrated library systems (ILS) that were no longer being developed, to a single, next generation, shared ILS in a cloud based environment utilising Alma and Primo. This was a complex and at times challenging project that impacted all library operations, migrated 385,000 user records, and 20 million library catalogue records. 

Main Topic


Peter E Sidorko, The University of Hong Kong
Presenter's job title

University Librarian


Ken Herold, Moderator, Adelphi University
Co-presenter's job title

Associate Dean, Deputy University Librarian
