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2019 Conference and Developers Day

del 26 al 29 de August del 2019


Please find below the IGeLU 2019 Conference, Developers' Day plus Ex Libris Knowledge Day Programme, in a slightly abbreviated form. The final and full version of the programme will be published in the IGeLU Conference App available from Apple Store & Google Play. The Conference Planning Committee reserves the right to make last minute alterations to the schedule where necessary.

Engaging Library Patrons The Way They Want It

jueves, el 29 de agosto de 2019 a las 15:15–16:15 +08
Topaz 220/225
Conference or Developers' Day



cloudLibrary is evolving to make the overall library self-service experience better! With three powerful modules that support service models and community needs, libraries can offer users an intuitive and engaging digital experience that seamlessly complements physical library circulation activities.

Main Topic

Other: Cross-product / General / Strategic


Veronica Steinicke, Bibliotheca
Presenter's job title

President APAC


Shameem Nilofar, Moderator, Singapore Management University
Co-presenter's job title

Head, Information Access & Resources
