Correctional Education
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Correctional Education
Presentation Format Requested
Concurrent Session (45 minutes)
Session Abstract
Correctional education is vital to incarcerated popuations as they prepare for societal re-entry. Specifically, emphasis on the arts, in addition to traditional methods of education in a correctional setting, may serve to better increase the ability of the learner to make successful re-entry into society.
Target Audience
This presentation is applicible for adult educators, prison reform advocates, and for anyone interested in the educating of persons in a correctional setting.
Learning Outcomes
Learners will be able to identify the challenges presented in correctional education, learn about the history of correctional education, and what new approaches may be beneficial to incarcerated persons. Specifically, learners will learn how the integration of the arts into correctional education can help provide a more successful re-entry into society.
Session Description
Correctional education is a vitally important issue, as approximately 95% of persons currently incarcerated will re-enter into society at some point during their lifetime. The impact of education on inmates, society, and the legal system is immense. Education can be directly tied to recidivism rates, and pave the way for successful societal re-enty. Prison reform is very much in the zeitgeist, and new approaches have proven successful in educating incarcerated persons. An emphasis on the arts, as a means of supplementing traditional G.E.D. education programs, has shown promise in terms of providing incarcerated persons with a rigorous and valuable educational experience. An arts-based education serves to form a connction with non-traditional learners, many of whom did not have a positive educational experience prior to incarceration. The impact on the individual is immense, as a quality education during incarceration can lead to an expanded knowledge base, renewed confidence, and enhanced job opportunities upon release.
Format & Technique
I intend to arrange the presentation utilizing PowerPoint technology. I will organize prsentation slides in a manner that clearly identifies the points of emphasis, and enhances learning outcomes.