Scrutinizing Standardized Testing: Traditional Faculty Perspectives of CLEP
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Colleges and Universities
Presentation Format Requested
Roundtable (45 minutes)
Session Abstract
For over 40 years CLEP testing has been in practice within higher education. Yet today, some faculty are reticent to accept ACE recommended scores and to grant course equivalencies for these exams. This is evident in a review of CLEP policy at 26 universities, which demonstrates significant inconsistency.
Target Audience
Higher education faculty, administration, and students should attend this session.
Learning Outcomes
During this session, participants will:
Gain exposure to the history of CLEP
Learn the design and development of CLEP tests
Discuss the 26 school CLEP review data
Evaluate CLEP policy at universities
Session Description
Faculty drive the design process of CLEP exams, yet many traditional faculty are skeptical of their value. A review of CLEP policy at 26 universities demonstrates that there is significant inconsistency in accepted scores and credit hours awarded. Moreover, most universities require higher scores than ACE recommends. This workshop explores advocacy strategies for aligning CLEP policy with ACE recommendations.
Format & Technique
Opening a dialogue about standardized testing, nontraditional education, PLA, and university acceptance will spark communication and produce insight between faculty and administrators from several different schools.
Primary Presenter
Dr Cynthia Stevens, Lewis University
Work Title
Assistant Professor and Director - Prior Learning Assessment
Additional Presenters
Dr. Anne Rapp, Lewis University
Work Title
Dean of the School of Graduate, Professional, and Continuing Education