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2019 Annual Conference

del 8 al 11 de October del 2019

St. Louis, MO

Reflecting teaching: Utilizing Self and Peer Assessment in college classrooms

jueves, el 10 de octubre de 2019 a las 15:10–15:55 CDT
Park View (Rounds of 10)
Select the FIRST area in which your presentation best fits.

Adult Development

Presentation Format Requested

Roundtable (45 minutes)

Session Abstract

The purpose of this session is to discuss the utilization of both Self and Peer Assessment as educational approaches. The presenter will pinpoint the role of the self and peer assessment towards enhancing reflective teaching in higher education classrooms for more teaching effectiveness.

Target Audience

        My first target audience are the adult educators who are interested in underpinning their students 21st skills especially the collaboration and critical thinking. Adult educators’ responsibility in their tutoring sessions is to equip trainees with the tools and skills to meet the workforce requirements. My second audience target are adult educators who need spurring and increasing their awareness of reflective teaching for more students’ involvement. In a nutshell, the adult educators who are concerned with the effective teaching and with issues related to group size, gender, cultural differences, writing ability, and other criteria would find help within the session. 

Learning Outcomes

1-Identify the definition of effective teaching in the higher education classroom.
2-Define the transformational learning process in the relationship with effective teaching.
3-Recognize the role of teaching positionalities in terms of reflective teaching.
4-Figure out some tangible- implemented techniques to involve Self and Peer Assessment in teaching using the available technologies.
5-Recognize that unplanned reflective teaching can end up having poor and ruinous consequences in classrooms.
6-Share some strategies to increase teachers’ awareness of Self and Peer Assessment with reflective teaching practices.

Session Description

1-I will start my session with a question about the importance of 21st-century skills in adult education learning:

              e.g.: What are the 21st-century skills we need to equip our adult students with as a way to survive in the workplace?

                Then I will distribute a question in a sheet of paper (With some accompanying visual aids with regard to some studies’ results and recommendations on the Reflective Teaching, Self and Peer Assessment pros and cons) to be answered in pairs/group based on the number of the attendees?

2-From the discussion I stress the main theme which is the importance of Reflective Teaching in higher education settings.

3- I will share some research-based evidence regarding the influence of Self and Peer Assessment on the Reflective Teaching practice in the classroom.

4-At the end of the session, I raise some questions in terms of the weight of each assessment impact (Self/ Peer) on the Reflective teaching practices: it is the takeaway information.

Format & Technique

1-Paired discussion by using the target question for each pair/ group according to the attendees’ number (10 Minutes)

2-Powerpoint presentation through which I could highlight the main concepts of the session:  Reflective teaching – Self and Peer Assessment- Technologies- Adult Learners’ awareness. (15 Minutes).

3-Divide the attendee’s groups and within each group, they discuss one of the following points:

                      -Reflective teaching in the higher education context (Pros/ cons)

                      -The use of Self and Peer Assessment as methods to enhance the utilization of Reflective Teaching in classrooms (10Minutes)

5- Sum up the session and thank the attendees for coming and participating. (5 Minutes)

Primary Presenter

Hany Zaky, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Work Title

Graduate Researcher/ ESL Instructor
