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2019 Annual Conference

del 8 al 11 de October del 2019

St. Louis, MO

She can see success from here but I can't: Glass Ceiling and Concrete Ceiling barriers

jueves, el 10 de octubre de 2019 a las 15:10–15:55 CDT
Park View (Rounds of 10)
Select the FIRST area in which your presentation best fits.

Women’s Issues, Status, and Education

Presentation Format Requested

Roundtable (45 minutes)

Session Abstract

The Glass Ceiling has come to represent the obstacles all minorities face.  African American women are faced with workplace bias, lookism, sexism, racism, stereotypes and additional obstacles that are overt and covert.  Current studies are needed to determine if the glass and concrete ceilings are palpable and have been penetrated.

Target Audience

Virtually everyone in workspaces can benefit from a hearty discussion of the Glass Ceiling and Concrete Ceiling.  African American Women who are victims of both the Glass Ceiling and Concrete Ceiling effects, White Women who are victims of the Glass Ceiling and men of all ethnicities who can conscientiously advocate for equal treament, pay and employment for women are key audience members.  Both genders and all ethnicities are key audience members who can help identify and dismantle the pervasive and systemic discrimination African American women and women of color face in their efforts towards equality.

Learning Outcomes

Discuss key differences between the issues women face as a result of the glass ceiling, glass escalator and glass elevator as compared and contrasted to issues that African American women face with the concrete ceiling.
Define the difference between and the importance of being an ally as opposed to being an advocate.
Discuss how to be an advocate for women in leadership roles.
Lists steps that can be taken to promote inclusion and representation of women and African American Women in their work-spaces in leadership roles.

Session Description

Importance: Diversity, inclusion, engagement, representation and culture continue to be challenging issues within businesses.  Additionally, the executive ranks of corporate America show little to no diversity in ethnicity or gender. Impact: Diverse companies that include female leadership show increased employee job satisfaction, productivity and profit.  The inclusion of minorities, women, and underrepresented and marginalized groups at all corporate levels of management benefit and strengthens companies. Innovation: Current and ongoing studies are needed to determine if the glass ceiling is truly a barrier that has been penetrated, if the concrete ceiling has been reduced or eliminated and if removing the glass ceiling and concrete ceiling is vital requisite to the future of diversity in businesses and organizations. Timeliness: No widespread studies have explored the sexist, racist and institutional barriers as they apply to women and to minorities since the Glass Ceiling Commission's final report in 1996. 

Format & Technique

Round Table Discussion:  A brief PowerPoint presentation will run on loop that detail key points of information of the glass ceiling and concrete ceiling history, importance, and current sattus.

A handout will list talking points and objectives with ample space allowed for organic audience contributions, summarizations and discussion.  An additional handout will list an action plan of “What I can do to be an advocate to women” that lists presenter recommendations and an area to include recommendation from roundtable participants.

Primary Presenter

Chelesea Lewellen, M.S.ED., Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Work Title

Graduate Student
