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2019 Annual Conference

du 8 au 11 October 2019

St. Louis, MO

Adult Basic Education Teachers' Experiences with Professional Development: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study

jeudi 10 octobre 2019 à 11:00–11:45 CDT
Grand C (85)
Select the FIRST area in which your presentation best fits.

Adult Basic Education and Literacy Education

Presentation Format Requested

Concurrent Session (45 minutes)

Session Abstract
There are insufficient opportunities in professional development for instructors in the adult basic education (ABE) teaching field. Therefore, this phenomenological research study was undertaken to ascertain the issues limiting opportunities for instructor development. The results provided insights into the issues and challenges instructors face as ABE professionals.
Target Audience
This session is intended for adult basic education (ABE) teachers and practitioners alike. ABE teachers provide instruction to non-traditional post-secondary adult learners in the following academic areas: basic reading, writing, math, GED and ESL.
Learning Outcomes

Participants will acquire knowledge on the latest thoughts, research, and trends, concerning professional development in the (ABE) field. With this information, participants will be able to assist their colleagues and administrative stakeholders on establishing and or reforming effective and sustainable professional development programs in their respective institutions. Participants will be able to move pass theoretical principles of professional development, transferring theory into practice in order to ensure effectiveness and relevance in their future engagement with teacher professional development.

Session Description
Systemic issues in adult basic education (ABE) teacher professional development continue to hinder this population of teachers’ individual and collective professional growth in the ABE field. As a result, ABE teachers are limited in their ability to assist non-traditional adult learners reach their highest potential. Recent research on professional development issues in the ABE field indicates that ABE teachers lag behind their K-12 counterparts in obtaining consistent professional development opportunities. This session will function as a catalyst in informing adult education teacher stakeholders and practitioners alike on how consistent professional development opportunities are critical to the ABE teacher population, considering this population of teachers’ performance overtime and impact on student outcomes. Because adults are returning to school in order to obtain skills for the workforce, it is imperative that adult education stakeholders address the issues of teacher professional development present in the ABE field. Participants will leave this session with a deeper insight on the need for consistent professional development and individual and collective strategies for establishing professional development opportunities supported by both theoretical and practical principles.
Format & Technique
Dr. Joel Floyd and Dr. Steven Roth will co-present this session. The session will provide a PowerPoint presentation and handouts to the participants in the audience.

Primary Presenter

Dr. Steven Roth, Keiser University
Work Title

Professor and Graduate Advisor

Additional Presenters

Dr. Joel Floyd, Keiser University
Work Title

School Director

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