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2014 Conference

May 8–9, 2014

Framingham, MA

MATSOL 2014 Conference: Online Program

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*SLIFE Programming…It Takes a Village

Thursday, May 8, 2014 at 3:30 PM–5:10 PM EDT
Session Abstract

A “baby urban” district high school describes the evolution of its Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) program to meet an escalating number of SLIFE learners. An elaboration of the “it takes a village” process provides the secondary audience with a potential roadmap for program design and implementation.

Session Length

Interactive Workshop (90 minutes)

Secondary Educators
Program Administrators
Topic Strand

Specific Populations (ELLs with disabilities, SLIFE, etc)

Lead Presenter

Ramon Cruz, International High School, Lawrence Public Schools
Biographical Statement

Ramon Cruz is an ELL guidance counselor. As the son of SLIFE parents, he finds the plight of the SLIFE learner dear to his heart.



Abby Rydbeck, International High School, Lawrence Public Schools
Biographical Statement

Abby Rydbeck currently teachers ESL at the secondary level in an urban district. She is currently completing a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction.

Nicoleta Filimon, International High School, Lawrence Public Schools
Biographical Statement

Nicoleta Filimon currently teaches ESL at the secondary level in an urban district and in graduate ESL teacher training.

Session Materials
