The Struggle Between Student and Anxiety
jueves, el 14 de noviembre de 2019 a las 11:00–12:00 EST
Oglethorpe D (225)
Target Audience
Counselor Educator, Supervisor
School Administrators
Counselor Educator, Supervisor
School Administrators
Please select the interest areas (or track) your proposal covers
Comprehensive School Counseling Program
Issues in Counseling
Social Emotional Learning
Mental Health Awareness
Issues in Counseling
Social Emotional Learning
Mental Health Awareness
The epidemic of anxiety in high schools is mind blowing. Over the past seven years, anxiety has become the number one reason students seek counseling.
Anxiety and depression are treatable, but eighty percent of students with a diagnosable anxiety disorder and sixty percent of students with diagnosable depression receive no treatment.
This presentation addresses the struggle between student and anxiety and dares to provide session participants with data, techniques and best practices.