MATSOL 2014 Conference: Online Program
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The Process Approach to Writing: Spotlight on Grammar and Editing
jeudi 8 mai 2014 à 09:00–09:45 EDT
Session Abstract
This workshop will demonstrate how to use the process approach to writing to focus specifically on grammar skills and self-editing. Attendees will leave the workshop with rubrics, peer and self-editing forms, essay prompts and relevant research as well as other lesson planning materials.
Session Length
Practice-Oriented Presentation (45 minutes)
Community College ESOL Educators
Higher Education ESOL/IEP Educators
Higher Education ESOL/IEP Educators
Topic Strand
Reading, Writing, Literacy
Lead Presenter
Sarah Jusseaume, University of New Hampshire
Biographical Statement
Sarah Jusseaume has a MA/Applied Linguistics and teaches ESL at University of New Hampshire. Prior to that, she taught in South Korea and Boston.