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2020 Conference

du 18 au 20 May 2020

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C3a Discrimination, Mistreatment, and the Well-Being of Older Minority Adults

mercredi 20 mai 2020 à 13:00–14:30 CDT
Room 3
Key Words

minority, mistreatment, discrimination, financial, well-being, PERMA, older-adults, HRS, mediation, structural-equation-modeling

Short Description

Older adults in the United States are subject to potential discrimination for age and face financial and psychological challenges with impending retirement or living in retirement. Thus, older adults who also experience discrimination and increased mistreatment due to minority factors are a vulnerable population. Existing research has shown that daily discrimination experienced by older American adults is related to poorer mental health. Results from this study build upon the literature with evidence that suggests older American adults who experience discrimination associated with minority characteristics (race, religion, and sexual orientation) have the potential for poorer financial and general well-being if they experienced increased levels of mistreatment. This study employed a structural equation model with a confirmatory factor analysis measurement model. The indirect effects were tested using a bootstrap estimation approach with 1,000 draws. Data were utilized from the 2016 Health and Retirement Study (HRS). The 2016 RAND HRS Fat File (e.2A), and RAND HRS Longitudinal File 2016 (v.1) were merged together. All well-being, minority, and mistreatment variables were constructed from the Psychosocial and Lifestyle questionnaire, located within the HRS Fat Files. All control variables were constructed from the 2016 RAND HRS Longitudinal File.

First & Corresponding Author

Taufiq Hasan Quadria, Texas Tech University
Authors in the order to be printed

Taufiq Hasan Quadria, Sarah Asebedo, Esteban Montenegro-Montenegro

Additional Authors

Sarah Asebedo, Texas Tech University
Esteban Montenegro-Montenegro, Texas Tech University
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