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2020 Conference

del 18 al 20 de May del 2020

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D1c The Effect of Bequest Motive on Investment Portfolio Allocation Among Older Adults

jueves, el 21 de mayo de 2020 a las 09:00–10:30 CDT
Room 1
Key Words

older adults, age, bequest motive, risky assets, stock, investment

Short Description

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of bequest motive on investment in risky assets among older adults. Using the 2016 RAND HRS longitudinal data, we find that a strong bequest motive has a significantly positive effect on risky assets investment among older adults. It is generally true that as people age, their investments to fulfill goals within their own lifetime should be more conservative. However, age should not be a major factor for all goals. Our results suggest that financial advice should be goal-oriented and adjusted for their risk tolerance and investment horizons. Investors with a bequest motive should receive advice according to their stated goals and corresponding investment horizon.

First & Corresponding Author

Weipeng Wu, University of Missouri - Columbia
Authors in the order to be printed

Weipeng Wu, Rui Yao

Additional Authors

Rui Yao, University of Missouri - Columbia