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2020 Conference

del 18 al 20 de May del 2020

Proposal authors can use this tool to see where they have been placed in the agenda for a Symposium, an Oral Session, or a Featured Research Session Poster.

Scroll down to search by Authors (Person)*, Date/Time, and Keywords. Rooms have not been assigned yet, so the locations are just generic place holders. *Note: If the submitting author did not add all the authors to the ProposalSpace form, only the First & Corresponding Author will be searchable.

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D2a Is Risk of Homelessness a Barrier to Healthy Eating?

jueves, el 21 de mayo de 2020 a las 09:00–10:30 CDT
Room 2
Key Words

healthy eating, nutrition, homelessness, housing instability, food insecurity

Short Description

Homelessness has been associated with severe food insufficiency and poor health outcomes. This may be due to the unique social and environmental challenges to healthful food choices that housing instability presents in addition to economic hardship. This study uses data from the National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS) to examine whether housing instability is associated with various indicators of less healthful eating among low-income households. Findings from this study provide improved understanding of the mechanisms through which housing instability contributes to poor health outcomes.

First & Corresponding Author

Yunhee Chang, University of Mississippi
Authors in the order to be printed

Yunhee Chang, Swarn Chatterjee, Jinhee Kim

Additional Authors

Swarn Chatterjee, University of Georgia
Jinhee Kim, University of Maryland