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2020 Conference

du 18 au 20 May 2020

Proposal authors can use this tool to see where they have been placed in the agenda for a Symposium, an Oral Session, or a Featured Research Session Poster.

Scroll down to search by Authors (Person)*, Date/Time, and Keywords. Rooms have not been assigned yet, so the locations are just generic place holders. *Note: If the submitting author did not add all the authors to the ProposalSpace form, only the First & Corresponding Author will be searchable.

Confirm your place in the schedule by going to the ACCI Presenter Confirm Google Sheet and marking your session YES. Contact the ACCI Office right away if you have questions. Please be sure to reference the session title(s), date(s) and time(s) if you contact us.

E1c Title Insurance: An Overlooked Insurance Market

jeudi 21 mai 2020 à 11:00–12:30 CDT
Room 1
Key Words

title insurance, consumer knowledge, risk, shopping behavior

Short Description

This study uses data from the National Survey of Mortgage Originations to examine what types of consumers are more likely to shop for title insurance. More specifically, we study the influence of financial knowledge and risk tolerance on the decision to shop for title insurance. Our work contributes to the literature on insurance and mortgage shopping.

First & Corresponding Author

Brenda Cude, University of Georgia
Authors in the order to be printed

Brenda Cude, Velma Zahirovic-Herbert

Additional Authors

Velma Zahirovic-Herbert, University of Georgia
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