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2020 Conference

del 18 al 20 de May del 2020

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111 Transformative Outcomes of Consumer Well-Being in the Era of IR 4.0: Opportunities and Threats of Physical, Biological and Digital Technologies Across Sectors

martes, el 19 de mayo de 2020 a las 08:30–jueves, el 21 de mayo de 2020 a las 18:30 CDT
Posters YouTube Videos
Key Words

Industrial Revolution 4.0; Consumer Well-Being; Transformative Consumer Research; Physical, Biological and Digital Technologies

Short Description

The 4th Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) is now well underway, but its impact on the various sectors of the society and overall consumer well-being is less certain. The article proposes a framework that investigates how the interaction amongst the three major anchors of IR 4.0: physical, biological and digital are likely to impact the various sectors of society and the transformative outcomes of these interactions on the critical dimensions of consumer well-being, i.e., individual, social and environmental levels. Finally, the transformative outcome potentials for well-being in the context of the three domains of IR 4.0 are examined in terms of the opportunities and threats that they offer. The public policy implications and directions for future research are also offered.

First & Corresponding Author

Abhijit Roy, University of Scranton
Authors in the order to be printed

Abhijit Roy, Marat Bakpayev, Melanie Florence Boninsegni, Smriti Kumar, Jean-Paul Peronard, Thomas Reimer

Additional Authors

Marat Bakpayev, Labovitz School of Business and Economics and University of Minnesota Duluth
Melanie Florence Boninsegni, University of Fribourg
Smriti Kumar, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Jean-Paul Peronard, Aarhus University
Thomas Reimer, University of Rostock