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2020 Conference

du 18 au 20 May 2020

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208 The Determinants of Bankruptcy for US Households: Evidence from the 2010, 2013, and 2016 Survey of Consumer Finances

mardi 19 mai 2020 à 08:30–jeudi 21 mai 2020 à 18:30 CDT
Posters YouTube Videos
Key Words

bankruptcy, household decision making

Short Description

When affected with financial hardships, some people decide to declare bankruptcy to establish a payment plan, eliminate debts and obtain legal protection from the courts. However, bankruptcy can remain on peoples' credit reports for 7 to 10 years, depending on the type of bankruptcy they choose to file for. Depending on state laws, a bankruptcy trustee can be forced to liquidate certain assets, which could delay or disrupt the financial goals of the persons filing for bankruptcy and negatively affect their future financial well-being. Even though the number of total filings have declined since 2010 and remained relatively steady between 2015 and 2018, the factors leading to personal bankruptcy still remain unclear. The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of consumer bankruptcy decisions.

First & Corresponding Author

Guopeng Cheng, Virginia Tech
Authors in the order to be printed

Guopeng Cheng, Chen Xu

Additional Authors

Chen Xu, University of Missouri - Columbia
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