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CalSAE 2019-2020

A Winning Workplace Culture Begins with You

Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 10:30 AM–12:00 PM PDT add to calendar
Hyatt Regency Sonoma Wine Country
Program Description

What a feeling it is when you enjoy what you do—and the people you work with—and you look forward to going to work every day. A winning workplace culture can provide an environment that drives productivity, staff retention,  and member engagement. In this session, we will:

This session is a great entry into a number of topics that impact an associations ability to be sustainable. It all plays into the opportunity to keep existing members, bring in new members, and maintain good staff. Plus, this session is really fun to facilitate... and attend! Because workplace culture isn't just a top-down approach, it's applicable to anyone at any level of any organization.


Thriving Associations

Content Leaders

Becky Lunders, teamWorks




Becky helps organizations build capacity and increase sustainability through workshops, consulting, and training on a variety of fronts. She founded teamWorks 13 years ago in order to help organizations empower their people, and grow in a strategic way. She also works specifically with associations and non-profits on membership recruitment and retention, as well as how to create a membership experience that makes people want to get involved. Building capacity with volunteer leadership is also her forte.

She's also part of Capital Training which specializes in soft skills training to help organizations get the most out of their people.
