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2020 Gender Odyssey

del 18 al 21 de June del 2020

San Diego, CA

Our conference schedule is in development and is subject to change. Additional sessions will be added.  Occasionally, a presenter has to cancel or a session needs to move from its scheduled day and time.  Please review as the conference dates near for any changes that may have occurred. 

Helping Your Gender-Expansive Child With Teasing

sábado, el 20 de junio de 2020 a las 13:15–14:45 PDT
2 - Salon C
Workshop Description

Workshop Description
Teasing is a part of the sub-culture in schools and within peer relationships. Those raising gender-expansive youth often want to protect their child from this, and prevent it from happening at all. Unfortunately this often translates to asking the child to change something about themselves. In this workshop, we will explore how to empower and support your gender-expansive child. We will be discussing specific tools parents can use to both stay connected to their children to stay informed about what is going on socially, how to build the child's ego strength, as well as how to teach their children how to respond to any teasing that may occur.

Primary Contact

Darlene Tando, Darlene Tando, LCSW

Workshop Presenter's Names

Darlene Tando, Darlene Tando, LCSW
Professional Suffix (e.g., MD, LCSW)
Pronouns (ex. she, they, he, etc.)


Presenter Bio

Presenter Bio
Darlene Tando is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a private practice in San Diego. She has been working with transgender clients since 2006, and a large part of her practice is dedicated to working with gender expansive/transgender youth and adults. Darlene believes the individual is the “expert” on one’s own gender identity. For more information about her work in the gender field, please visit her blog at Darlene also authored the book “The Conscious Parent’s Guide to Gender Identity: A Mindful Approach to Embracing your Child’s Authentic Self.”
