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2020 Transformative Learning Conference

Peers Observing Peers: A Transformative Experience?

Friday, April 10, 2020 at 2:10 PM–2:55 PM CDT
Conference Thread

Expanding Transformative Learning Contexts

The inherent value of peers observing teaching (POT) as a vehicle for professional growth is rarely questioned. However, until recently the focus of POT has largely remained on providing evaluative feedback to the person being observed, despite the lack of evidence regarding its value and/or validity.

Recently, the research has begun to shift focus from the formal and evaluative POT process to an informal and conversational model in which observer benefits are investigated. To date, the literature suggests this informal model could be transformative since observers have reported benefits such as learning new teaching strategies and increased self-efficacy to implement new instructional practices. Moreover, widespread adoption of this informal process of peers observing peers or POP, as we have dubbed it, has the potential to transform entire departments and institutions into dynamic learning organizations.

In this session, preliminary data of a study on observer benefits will be presented, and workshop participants will be encouraged to share their own transformative learning experiences observing peers. Additionally, participants will receive a simplified POP strategy they can use to further extend this conversation by developing their own less competitive and more collegial means of increasing pedagogical conversations among colleagues within their own departments and/or institutions.


Linda A. Harris, University of Central Oklahoma
John Wood, University of Central Oklahoma