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2020 Transformative Learning Conference

Poster: Role of Sex Education in College Students

Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 4:30 PM–6:00 PM CDT
Conference Thread

An introduction to the roots of TL learning theory and contemporary conceptualizations of TL

Oklahoma is among one of the states with the highest birth rates for teens (ages 15-19) in America, accompanied with high rates of sexually transmitted infections. Studies show that this is largely due to abstinence only education ( The Sexual Health Ambassador program is a unique student lead group of interns at The University of Central Oklahoma, where undergraduate students help to educate their peers using sex positive, evidence based sexual health curriculum. With help from the Sexual Health Ambassadors, UCO undergraduate students have been given a pre and post survey to assess the amount of sexual health knowledge students enter college with. The data of where they received their sexual health information was taken as well. I began gathering responses from students in the Fall 2019 semester, and continued to Spring 2020 semester. It is important to know what students are armed with when entering college, and what they need to be better informed of.
Reproductive health is tied to economic power, access to preventative methods like birth control and helps predict a better economic future, this is transformative learning.


Asheley Middleton, University of Central Oklahoma,


Lorry Youll, University of Central Oklahoma