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2020 Annual Conference

del 11 al 13 de November del 2020

Savannah, GA

The Social Emotional Development of Children with Incarcerated Parents

jueves, el 12 de noviembre de 2020 a las 13:30–14:30 EST
Harborside Ballroom East (280)
Target Audience
Please select the interest areas (or track) your proposal covers
Academics/Academic Achievement
Social Emotional Learning

The social emotional development of children is impacted significantly when a parent is incarcerated. Children with incarcerated parents have lower self-esteem, a reduced sense of self efficacy, and higher rates of various physical and mental health problems. The impact of incarceration differs among children and adolescents; therefore, school counselors must be cognizant on the various ways to provide support. Come LEARN how to provide SUPPORT to children who have experienced the incarceration of a parent.


Wicker, Ashley, Wicker