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2020 Digital Conference and Developers Day

del 14 al 17 de September del 2020

All events will be held online. It is worth noting that all times in the program are quoted in British Summer Time (BST ; = UTC+1).

You can register here. As we are running multiple streams, we have had to break down the registration process to a day-by-day and session-by-session registration process.


Missing Link: Optimizing Access to Reduce Unnecessary ILL Requests

jueves, el 17 de septiembre de 2020 a las 15:20–15:45 BST
Zoom - 3
Conference or Developers' Day

Conference (20 minutes + 5 min Q/A)

Session Abstract

Patrons were submitting an unsettling number of interlibrary-library loan requests for articles the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point already owned electronically. Patrons could have accessed the full-text themselves but opted for ILL instead, thereby consuming staff time and delaying delivery. From 2017-2018, these unnecessary requests accounted for nearly 44% of ILL article borrowing transactions. Library staff suspected the confusion stemmed from Ex Libris Primo, which required a vexing, multistep process to download articles.

In 2019, the UWSP Libraries integrated LibKey into Primo, condensing article downloads to a single link. In the first year with LibKey, ILL experienced a substantial drop in unnecessary requests. Primo usability also has improved thanks to one-click article access.

In this presentation, ILL staff will share results of implementing LibKey in Primo. Third Iron Co-founder Kendall Bartsch will add perspective on related findings from other libraries.


Practical Applications

Applicable Ex Libris Product
Primo VE
Target Audience Skill Level

None — General Audience


Registration URL


Troy Espe, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Presenter's job title

Interlibrary Loan Librarian


Rebecca Wisniewski, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Co-presenter's job title

Interlibrary Loan Manager

Kendall Bartsch, Third Iron
Co-presenter's job title



Maribel Alvarado, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and IGeLU Steering Committee