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2020 Annual Conference

du 11 au 13 November 2020

Savannah, GA

School Counselor Supervisors: Serving, Leading, and Inspiring the Future of the Profession

vendredi 13 novembre 2020 à 08:30–09:30 EST
Harborside Ballroom West (460)
Target Audience
Counselor Educator/Supervisor
School Administrator
Please select the interest areas (or track) your proposal covers
Graduate Students
Career Development

Supervision during the graduate internship process can make or break a counselor-in-training's professional experience. This experiential phase of counselor education is a building block for the student's future practice. By examining current best practices in combination with personal experiences in professional development, prospective counselor supervisors can ensure that they create a learning environment in which they may serve, lead, and inspire the future of the school counseling profession through effective and meaningful supervision. 


Lockridge, Emily, Lockridge
Gause, Tatyana, Gause
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