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2021 Annual Conference

March 10–13, 2021

Stop the Clot: VTE Reduction Strategies in an Academic Institution

Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 3:15 PM–3:35 PM EST add to calendar
Topic of Interest
CNS Improving Outcomes

Almost half of new diagnosed VTE cases occur during hospitalization.. At UKHC an in-depth review of PSI 12 cases for FY18, 19 and 20 was conducted.  Recurring themes identified in these audits were missed VTE chemoprophylaxis doses and generic “Hold” anticoagulation orders.  A multidisciplinary team implemented a suspend functionality for medication and eliminated generic “hold” orders. The total number of VTE cases decreased from FY18 and 19 decreased from a total number of 54 adn 51 to 39.  Cost avoideance numbers will be applied according to the facility determination of VTE costs per patient.

Primary Presenters

Tricia Kellenbarger, MSN, APRN, ACCNS-AG, University of Kentucky

