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2021 Annual Conference

du 10 au 13 March 2021

From Amazon to Earth.. Resurgence of the CNS role with Wonder Woman Qualities

jeudi 11 mars 2021 à 11:00–11:20 EST add to calendar
Topic of Interest
Role of CNS in Diversity and Inclusion
Interprofessional Collaboration

In Resurging the Clinical Nurse Specialist Role, the CNS needs to look beyond the traditional environment and approaches to providing care.  At NACNS 2020, I spoke of a variety of ways that a CNS could be more active and visible and hence ultimately growing the role.  Our world has drastically changed since then.  I did not give up on what I believed there were ways for a CNS to function, and began an initiative called The Collective View.  The journey has been a learning experience for myself from several different aspects.  I would like to share the experience and point out how CNS qualities and characteristics have benefited this project. In addition, taking what I have learned and sharing it to other CNS’s with similar initiatives that will allow for growth of the CNS and a resurgence. 


My project has been called The Collective View.  We provide talks on social media that demonstrate a mental and physical health connection. There was always a dream and a vision, but moving forward  it was a big step;  and took some focused discussions to define the purpose.  By having this set-in place, it provided the flow of our project to be cohesive and engaging to all involved.  CNS qualities of providing compassionate care, being a patient advocate were core contributions to the design.  Being genuine and authentic was also key to representing the CNS.  Additional details were worked through during this phase.


The inspiration to move forward with  a business model was decided as individual time and contribution continued to build.  Research and collaboration were also very key in this phase.  Collaboration from other disciplines outside of nursing, and healthcare were vital.  Recognition of an integrative approach made the process cohesive. 


Moving forward we have learned from our work and occasional mistakes; AKA learning opportunities! Our confidence has gained momentum as  we move forward; we believe in our success and harmonious future.  This experience  has allowed for a level of creativity and  recognition to evolve and develop for all disciplines inspired by the CNS model.


Primary Presenters

Jayne Jaramillo, Baptist Health, Teleflex
Mary Elaine Jaramillo Mangia, Mount Sinai Hospital


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