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2021 Annual Conference

du 10 au 13 March 2021

Making an Impact during Uncertain times: Role of the Critical Care CNS

mercredi 10 mars 2021 à 13:30–13:50 EST add to calendar
Topic of Interest
Role of CNS in COVID-19 Pandemic
Interprofessional Collaboration

During the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare has seen many changes and challenges. In preparation for the uncertainty of what was to occur, the Clinical Nurse Specialists were able to step in and provide support, develop necessary personal protective equipment policies and patient care protocols. In everything we implemented or created, patient and clinical staff advocacy was our priority. We also provided education, were hands-on resources, and used evidence-based care to impact nursing practice. Using a tiered nursing model, we cross trained over 200 nurses to higher level of care areas in preparation for what we expected to see during our highest census times. By being at the bedside with the nurses, we found resource and educational opportunities and worked to close those gaps with the appropriate stakeholders. We collaborated with providers, administrators, and executive leaders to open a 7 bed COVID intensive care unit in a non-intensive care area. The Clinical Nurse Specialists’ expertise of what a new intensive care unit would need for success was essential to this process. As a result of these efforts, we know the providers and nursing staff felt supported and had the necessary resources to provide efficient patient care. Being a visual leader within the organization built relationships with many disciplines and allowed strong collaboration for improving our processes during the pandemic. The multiple roles the Clinical Nurse Specialists took on during this time were crucial to the planning and implementation of changes, and demonstrated positive outcomes within our organization.

Primary Presenters

Ashley Gordon, MSN, APRN, AGCNS-BC, CMSRN, CCRN, WakeMed Health & Hospital


Kelley Reep, MSN, APRN, ACCNS-AG, CCRN-CMC, WakeMed
Jennifer Elliott, MSN, APRN, ACNS-BC, PCCN, WakeMed
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