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ADP/TDC 2014 National Meeting

du 5 au 7 June 2014

Marriott Louisville Downtown, Louisville, Kentucky

Citizenship and Enforcement: Is Citizenship That's Coerced as Valuable as Voluntary? MTSU's Tobacco-Free Policy

vendredi 6 juin 2014 à 13:45–14:30 EDT
Salon 3
Proposal Abstract (Please briefly describe the content of your proposal)

In 2012, MTSU began a campuswide tobacco-free policy. Initial thoughts were that the policy would be freely complied with. Instead, noncompliance and cynicism abound. If voluntary participation is not working, direct enforcement may provide a different, more compliant outcome. ADP asks, is some sort of enforcement necessary for positive citizenship?

Submitting Presenter

Hanah, Owens

Additional Presenters

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