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The Tentative CRRA2021 Program is now available for viewing. Please note that more information will be added in the coming weeks.  All scheduling is subject to change.

Innovative and Effective Compost and Mulch Utilization

lundi 16 août 2021 à 12:30–14:00 PDT add to calendar
Session Description

The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle), mission tasked with debris recovery after wildfires, incorporates compost filter socks and hydro mulch for erosion control, revegetation, and slope stabilization. CalRecycle is also pursuing research grant opportunities to study the potential of compost filter socks as biofiltration tools to treat post-wildfire polluted stormwater. The Department of Transportation (Caltrans) uses compost for roadside stabilization and revegetation, habitat restoration, biofiltration storm water management, and erosion control. Senate Bill (SB) 1383 sets ambitious methane reduction and organic waste diversion targets in California. To support these targets, Assembly Bill (AB) 2411 was established to increase the markets for compost by requiring state agencies to maximize the use of compost. Jurisdictions will be required to meet their procurement requirements as part of SB 1383 and can use compost and mulch to help meet these obligations. The audience can expect to learn about compost and mulch and their various product types, ecosystem services, comparisons to other best management practices, peer reviewed research, case studies, and sustainable design strategies from a municipality and consultants.


David Franklin, EnviroTech NPDES Services

Trainer of Record

Speaker Biography

David Franklin is a nationwide presenter and award-winning landscape professional with over 40 years of experience in the Green Industry, including 25 years in the construction site erosion control and industrial stormwater quality sectors. He has worked on stormwater issues as a consultant, specifier, contractor, sampling technician and inspector on projects including vineyards, mines & quarries, river restoration, freeway & railroad and home construction as well as industrial facilities for petroleum transportation, waste transfer stations, marinas and national laboratories etc.

Email: | Phone: 916-849-2028


Abstract Title

Performance & Sustainability of Compost Products for Construction Sites

Speaker Abstract

Sediment control and stormwater runoff control Best Management Practices (BMPs) may be specified on a wide variety of construction and industrial sites. The products and materials used may include straw, rock, plastic, compost, coconut, and more. The decision tree for the selection, design, specification, installation, maintenance, repair and disposal can include a wide range of considerations as the types of pollutants being targeted, the phase of construction, form of stormwater flow, contributing area and many more.

This presentation will include a case study comparing compost socks and straw rolls for temporary and permanent applications including check dams and slope stabilization at a remote landfilling operation in the foothills of California. The question will also be raised as to when and how we will begin using compost socks for removing oil and grease in the stormwater runoff from our construction sites.

Britt Faucette, Filtrexx International

Director of Research, Technical, & Environmental Services

Speaker Biography

Britt directs research/technical programs for Filtrexx International in organics recycling/storm water management industries. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Georgia where he researched BMPs in soil erosion/stormwater management applications; served as a state specialist in stormwater management/organics recycling/pollution prevention programs in the Department of Biological/Agricultural Engineering; and as adjunct professor in the School of Environmental Design. Britt serves on multiple technical committees with ASTM, and is a Board Trustee for the US Composting Council’s Research/Education Foundation. He has authored 3 books and numerous peer reviewed publications on organics in stormwater management.

Abstract Title

Performance & Sustainability of Compost Filter Socks for Stormwater Filtration

Speaker Abstract

Compost-based BMPs including compost filter socks offer many ecosystem service benefits to maintain our economic, environmental, and human health. These benefits include soil erosion and sediment control, storm water reduction and biofiltration, maintenance of natural cycles, waste reduction, and carbon footprint reduction and climate regulation. Case studies and peer reviewed university research demonstrate compost socks’ diverse capabilities and high-performance results in these applications. Compost filter socks are part of CalRecycle’s wildfire debris recovery specifications for erosion control, in part because current research shows removal of key pollutants often found in post-fire stormwater runoff. This presentation will focus on how these environmentally sustainable management practices use natural processes to achieve high performance results to minimize and treat stormwater, conservation water, reduce waste and carbon footprint.

Peter Schultze-Allen, EOA Inc.

Senior Scientist

Speaker Biography

Peter Schultze-Allen is a Senior Scientist at EOA Inc. with extensive experience in the environmental field. He specializes in the fields of green stormwater infrastructure, low impact development, litter reduction, zero waste policy, complete and green streets, regenerative landscaping, and urban forestry practices. His past experience includes managing the environmental programs for the City of Emeryville from 2002 to 2013, including the implementation of the City’s award-winning dense, urban and Bay-Friendly GSI program and the integration of those policies into related municipal plans.

Abstract Title

Muncipal Policy Mechanisms for Specifying Compost and Compost-based BMPs

Speaker Abstract

Municipalities have many tools at their disposal for implementing compost and soil restoration activities. Starting in 2022, SB 1383 requires local governments to procure and utilize recycled organic materials, such as compost and mulch. This presentation will review several mechanisms that municipalities can use to implement the use of compost and mulch. Development project-related policies, regulations and requirements will be discussed along with examples including compost-based sediment and erosion control BMPs (e.g. compost socks, compost blankets, compost berms) on construction sites, soil conservation and restoration practices, green stormwater infrastructure measures, etc. Attendees will take home ways that their jurisdiction can meet stormwater permit and SB 1383 requirements.


Angel Fong, CalEPA/CalRecycle

Environmental Scientist

Moderator Biography

Angel Fong is an environmental scientist in CalRecycle’s Statewide Technical & Analytical Research Branch. Angel supports CalRecycle’s activities in organic materials management, including the implementation of state laws, SB 1383 and AB 2411, that promote the use and market of compost products. She coordinates with other CalRecycle programs and with stakeholders to identify, develop, coordinate, and disseminate best management practices and technical tools related to organic materials. She received her bachelor’s degree in environmental science from the University of California Davis. 

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