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The Tentative CRRA2021 Program is now available for viewing. Please note that more information will be added in the coming weeks.  All scheduling is subject to change.

Composter Approved

mardi 17 août 2021 à 11:15–12:45 PDT add to calendar
Session Description

The Compost Manufacturing Alliance (CMA) is a certifying body with a  focus on bridging the gap between food service ware development and products’ end of life destination.


Alex Thomas, Compost Manufacturer's Alliance

Field Supervisor

Speaker Biography

Alex Thomas is the Field Supervisor and Special Projects Lead for the Compost Manufacturing Alliance. Alex completed his undergraduate degrees in Biology and Waste Resources before working in Waste Management and Planning in Eastern Washington for the last three years. Most recently, Alex has become a Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point under the Soils and Waste Resources Department.

Abstract Title

Composter Approved: Compost Manufacturing Alliance's Field Certification for Compostable Products

Speaker Abstract

The Compost Manufacturing Alliance (CMA) is a certifying body with a  focus on bridging the gap between food service ware development and products’ end of life destination. CMA is a growing collaborative partnership of composters across North America who represent a variety of commercial composting technologies. CMA focuses on certifying compostable products based on ASTM 6400, ASTM 6868, and real world facility field disintegration tests. With increasing focus on effective landfill diversion and participation in the circular economy, composting is emerging as a growing solid waste strategy to keep traditional plastics out of the environment, and to minimize what is shipped to landfills. CMA provides certification so that compostable serviceware is not a limiting factor to commercial composters and does not compound the issue of non-degradable waste in the system. This presentation will cover the impact field certifying products can have on getting the composters within the solid waste systems working together to develop viable acceptance programs, and the benefit that can be gained from using CMA field certified product lists.

Diana Lloyd-Jones, Compost Manufacturing Alliance

Client Services Coordinator

Speaker Biography
Abstract Title

Composter Approved: Compost Manufacturing Alliance's Field Certification for Compostable Products

Speaker Abstract

The Compost Manufacturing Alliance (CMA) is a certifying body with a  focus on bridging the gap between food service ware development and products’ end of life destination. CMA is a growing collaborative partnership of composters across North America who represent a variety of commercial composting technologies. CMA focuses on certifying compostable products based on ASTM 6400, ASTM 6868, and real world facility field disintegration tests. With increasing focus on effective landfill diversion and participation in the circular economy, composting is emerging as a growing solid waste strategy to keep traditional plastics out of the environment, and to minimize what is shipped to landfills. CMA provides certification so that compostable serviceware is not a limiting factor to commercial composters and does not compound the issue of non-degradable waste in the system. This presentation will cover the impact field certifying products can have on getting the composters within the solid waste systems working together to develop viable acceptance programs, and the benefit that can be gained from using CMA field certified product lists.

West, Olympic Organics

Principal Director of Operations

Speaker Biography

I have over 34 years of experience in the refuse and recycling industry at all levels. I have been responsible for the turn around and daily operations of companies from $2 to $200 million in annual revenues.

In 2007, in partnership with my wife and daughter, we started New Day Recycling and in 2012 formed Olympic Organics LLC and acquired the key assets of a defunct composting facility in Kingston Washington.

Abstract Title

7 Years with ASP – One Composters Story

Speaker Abstract

In 2013 we acquired a bankrupt ASP facility and reopened it in 2014. This is a brief tale of our facility, our thoughts on the ASP Technology and how we approach the challenge of being composters in today’s world.

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