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School Counselors: Serving Every Student, Every Day, in Every Way (GSCA 2021 Annual Conference)

du 3 au 5 November 2021

The Classic Center, Athens, GA

Navigating Ethical and Legal Practices in Mandated Reporting: Implications for School Counselors and School Personnel

vendredi 5 novembre 2021 à 08:30–09:30 EDT
Athena E
Target Audience
School Administrator
Please select the interest areas (or track) your proposal covers
Issues in Counseling
Mental Health Awareness

Professional school counselors are in the position to act as the first line of defense in identifying, reporting, and preventing child abuse and neglect. This presentation will begin by exploring the challenges school counselors face when completing a mandated report. Next, ethical and legal mandates will be discussed. Lastly, a mandated reporting model and advocacy strategies to use in schools will be explored. Participants will be given a copy of the model and resource links.


Lacey Ricks, Assistant Professor


Lacey, Ricks, Ricks
Malti, Tuttle, Tuttle
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