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2014 Conference

du 8 au 9 May 2014

Framingham, MA

MATSOL 2014 Conference: Online Program

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What Does Fairness Mean when Assessing Multilingual Writers?

vendredi 9 mai 2014 à 10:00–10:45 EDT
Session Abstract

As teachers we are often torn between tailoring our responses to the needs of individual students and the desire to be consistent or “fair.” I propose that fairness is not about consistency; it is about validity—that is, about making better decisions. Drawing on current measurement and writing research, I show how such concepts may be applied in classrooms and programs.

Session Type

Invited Speaker

Session Length

Practice-Oriented Presentation (45 minutes)


All Audiences

Topic Strand

Reading, Writing, Literacy

Lead Presenter

Mya Poe, Northeastern University
Biographical Statement

Mya Poe is assistant professor of English at Northeastern University. Her scholarship on writing across the curriculum, validity and fairness in assessing the writing of diverse students, and international collaborations in the teaching writing has been published in College Composition and Communication, Research in the Teaching of English, The Journal of Business and Technical Communication, and Across the Disciplines. She is co-author of Learning to Communicate in Science and Engineering: Case Studies From MIT, which won the CCCC 2012 Advancement of Knowledge Award for the publication that most advances research in writing studies. She is also co-editor of Race and Writing Assessment and series co-editor of the Oxford Very Brief Guides to Writing in the Disciplines. She is currently working on a book entitled The Consequences of Writing Assessment about the effects of writing assessment.



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