School Counselor's Role in Career Readiness
viernes, el 5 de noviembre de 2021 a las 08:30–09:30 EDT
Athena F
Target Audience
Counselor Educator/Supervisor
Counselor Educator/Supervisor
Please select the interest areas (or track) your proposal covers
Tools for working smarter, not harder
Comprehensive School Counseling Program
Academics/Academic Achievement
Issues in Counseling
Career Development
College Readiness
Information Technology
Comprehensive School Counseling Program
Academics/Academic Achievement
Issues in Counseling
Career Development
College Readiness
Information Technology
Four-year degrees have been OVER advised. In order to reduce the focus on colleges alone, counselors need to be aware of the 225,000 unfilled positions there are in Georgia. Consequently, educators must have career conversations with their students, and this starts in elementary. Join this session and learn how to integrate career planning, BRIDGE law, innovative career lessons, and more.