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School Counselors: Serving Every Student, Every Day, in Every Way (GSCA 2021 Annual Conference)

del 3 al 5 de November del 2021

The Classic Center, Athens, GA

Social Emotional Learning with a Yoga Twist

jueves, el 4 de noviembre de 2021 a las 08:30–09:30 EDT
Athena IJ
Target Audience
Counselor Educator/Supervisor
School Administrator
Nearing Retirement/Retired
Please select the interest areas (or track) your proposal covers
Tools for working smarter, not harder
Comprehensive School Counseling Program
Social Emotional Learning

Do you need a mindful SEL road map that takes the stress out of planning and allows all students to feel loved, seen, and heard? Feel anxiety leave your body as you experience an eight-step lesson plan that includes a SEL theme, breath work, mindful movements, a brain game, and relaxation. Come away with a digital resource bundle that equips ALL students with skills to improve self-regulation, self-awareness, social-awareness, problem-solving, and self-management.





Julie Frizzi, District Counselor


Julie, Frizzi, Frizzi