Intentional School Counseling for Systems Change
miércoles, el 3 de noviembre de 2021 a las 13:30–14:30 EDT
Olympia Room 1
Target Audience
Counselor Educator/Supervisor
School Administrator
Counselor Educator/Supervisor
School Administrator
Please select the interest areas (or track) your proposal covers
Comprehensive School Counseling Program
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
School counselors are charged with closing achievement, opportunity, and attainment gaps as systems change agents when the problem is not a kid issue but a systems issue. This charge requires school counselors to move from a viewpoint of failing students to failing systems, acknowledge unconcious bias, and address institutional racism and prejudice. As agents of change, school counselors leverage data, have challenging data conversations, advocate for systems change, and develop intentional systems change action plans.