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Imagining New Worlds Together: Leveraging Technology to Decolonize Transcultural Learning
decolonizing pedagogy, collaboration, remote learning, technology, transcultural, COVID
Session Abstract
Educators from Belize, Central America, and the United States took the opportunity that COVID’s challenges presented, to more fully collaborate in building professional development for teachers in both locations. Leveraging this new medium, collaboration was enhanced affording newly imagined ways to decolonize professional development and impact classroom practice.
Session Description
Just as our profession was coming to truly wrestle more deeply with the implications of decolonizing our approach to adult education, COVID-19 restrictions offered us new opportunities to more fully collaborate. The seismic shift in our ways of interacting afforded more egalitarian spaces of better collaborating, learning and simply "being" together. We believe the meeting of our minds and screens during this pandemic became a testimony to the power of our collective struggle and triumph to connect, and to build sense of solidarity in our shared desire to continuously improve our teaching practices.