- The AFS Conference will feature speakers, symposia, and several special sessions. Among them, we will introduce a new panel session for PhD students, highlighting how to best navigate the job market.
- With the generous support of our sponsors, the Academy has awarded several best paper awards during past meetings and we anticipate continuing Best Paper awards in 2021.
- We will continue with our Emerging Scholar Award to a current graduate student for promising research work on a paper or poster presented at the conference.
Saving More With Less: Optimal Plan Design with Automatic Enrollment and Employer Match Contributions
Retirement Financial Planning, 401k Saving, Auto-deferral Rate, Employer Match
Short Description
Encouraging DC participants to save more for retirement is a common goal among financial advisors and retirement plan sponsors. In this study, we explore how various factors affected participant saving decisions. Using a data set of approximately 156,000 participants who recently enrolled in an employer-matched 401(k) plan, we find that increasing the default deferral rate (as part of an automatic enrollment scheme) can significantly improve retirement savings. In other words, for plan sponsors interested in increasing participant deferral rates without changing the existing employer contribution structure, simply increase the default savings rate seems like a relatively powerful and straightforward way to accomplish this objective. This study disentangles the impacts of two most commonly discussed factors that can potentially increase participant’s retirement savings rate: Automatic deferral rate and employer contributions. Other factors that are significantly associated with participant’s saving decisions include age, salary, equity percentage, maximum employer match rate, etc.
Lead & Corresponding Author
![Zhikun Liu, Empower Retirement™ [photo]](https://8ca84662c5b8f0cff50d-4baaaf97d63fd7b01243e1b1c57f0cc1.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/1900/profile_58434a4ca4c7ba78633e668b674ad113.png)
Zhikun Liu, Empower Retirement™
Job Title
Director of Research
Email Address
Additional Authors
![David Blanchett, PGIM [photo]](https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/b26e65f223b6d2b7ad8d808f01f775ee.png?d=https://proposalspace.com/images/no_photo.png&r=PG&s=50)
David Blanchett, PGIM
Job Title
Managing Director, Head of Retirement Research