Embodying Intercultural Competence in L2 French Video Reflections
Presentation Summary
This study combines multimodal analysis and embodiment theory to examine the roles played by embodied modes and gesture in French L2 students’ FlipGrid video reflections on a variety of sociopolitical topics and explores the possible contributions of these modes to students’ intercultural competence.
Primary Presenter
Julia Gorham , University of Illinois
State (if in the U.S.)
United States
Professional Biography
Julia Gorham is a doctoral student in French Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education at the University of Illinois where she teaches college French. Her research focuses on multi- and critical-literacies curriculum design and program evaluation.
Secondary Presenters
Natalie Amgott, University of Arizona
State (if in the U.S.)
United States
Professional Biography
Natalie Amgott is a doctoral candidate in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching at the University of Arizona. She designs curriculum and teaches college French and ESL. Her research centers on curriculum design and multimodal composing for language learning.