Developing Interculturalizing Practices Through Virtual Exchanges
Presentation Summary
This session discusses the use of virtual exchanges to develop interculturalizing practices and increase student engagement with the global academic community within a framework of critical global education.
Primary Presenter
Nils Olov Fors, Kanda University of International Studies
State (if in the U.S.)
Professional Biography
Nils Olov (Olaf) Fors has taught writing, linguistics, pedagogy, and EFL/ESL for more than 20 years in the U.S., China, South Korea, Sweden, Vietnam, and Japan, and has written and edited several EFL textbook series. Olaf is currently working at Kanda University of International Studies in Japan.
Secondary Presenters
Shannon Tanghe, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
State (if in the U.S.)
United States
Professional Biography
Shannon Tanghe is the Program Director of the MA in ESL program at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. Prior to this, she spent 16 years in teacher education in South Korea. Her main research interests include teacher collaboration, reflective teacher inquiry, and World Englishes.