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2022 International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence

Virtual. All sessions will be accessed through the conference app, which will be accessible to registered attendees in January.

Exploring an Online Community of Intercultural Japanese Youths

vendredi 28 janvier 2022 à 15:15–17:15 MST
Presentation Summary

This presentation describes how a virtual space serves as a place of both mobility and community for youths of transnational Japanese families, particularly on how the virtual interactions within the community intersect with the youth participants’ perceptions of their own intercultural experiences and skills in their local and physical contexts.

Primary Presenter

Aiko Minematsu, Sophia University
State (if in the U.S.)


Professional Biography

Aiko Minematsu is a doctoral student in the Department of Learning and Instruction at University at Buffalo, State University New York, and Lecturer at Center for Language Education and Research at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan. Her research interests include multilingual and multicultural education and teacher education. 

Secondary Presenters

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