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2022 International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence

Virtual. All sessions will be accessed through the conference app, which will be accessible to registered attendees in January.

Rethinking "Authentic" Intercultural Engagement in a Post-mobility World

vendredi 28 janvier 2022 à 15:15–17:15 MST
Presentation Summary

This paper addresses international physical immobility brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences for university language programs across Australia from the perspectives of three key stakeholder groups: 1) university language students; 2) academic staff; and 3) professional staff working in internationalisation strategies.

Primary Presenter

Adriana Diaz, The University of Queensland
State (if in the U.S.)




Professional Biography

Adriana R. Díaz is Senior Lecturer in the Spanish and Latin American Studies Program at the University of Queensland. Her research centres on learning more about how insights from critical pedagogy and decolonial critique can help us un/re-learn the ways in which we engage with languages education.

Secondary Presenters

Marisa Cordella, The University of Queensland
State (if in the U.S.)


Professional Biography

Marisa Cordella is Associate Professor in Spanish linguistics at the University of Queensland. She holds a PhD in Linguistics from Monash University. Her research expertise and postgraduate supervision lie primarily in the field of discourse analysis: medical communication, intercultural and intergenerational communication, ageing across cultures, language education and translation studies.

Barbara E. Hanna, The University of Queensland
State (if in the U.S.)




Professional Biography

Barbara E. Hanna is Senior Lecturer in French at The University of Queensland. She works on language learners’ presentation of their identity, particularly online and in their narratives of Study Abroad experiences. She is co-author of Learning language and culture via public internet discussion forums (with Juliana de Nooy) (2009) and has presented and published on Study Abroad testimonials and on the representation of SA in terms of employability.

Anna Mikhaylova, The University of Queensland
State (if in the U.S.)


Professional Biography

Anna Mikhaylova is Lecturer in Russian at The University of Queensland. Her research interests include cognitive, social and pedagogical implications of bilingualism in its broad sense and specifically in the similarities and differences between language development in second language learners and heritage speakers.

Samantha Disbray, The University of Queensland
State (if in the U.S.)


Professional Biography

Samantha Disbray is Lecturer in Endangered Languages at the School of Languages and Cultures at The University of Queensland. She has worked as a community, education and research linguist in Central Australia for two decades. Among her research insterests is Indigenous languages in education policy and practice. 

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