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2022 International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence

Virtual. All sessions will be accessed through the conference app, which will be accessible to registered attendees in January.

Pedagogy of Care in Intercultural Education: Towards Human Flourishing

Friday, January 28, 2022 at 3:15 PM–5:15 PM MST
Presentation Summary

As ICC education decenters students by design, a pedagogy of care is essential practice. Through discourse analysis, we discuss how an instructor’s practice of ethics of care in a remote class provided the foundation for her modeling of ICC principles. We argue for the blending of pedagogy of care and ICC orientations to promote human flourishing.

Primary Presenter

Kelle L. Marshall, Pepperdine University
State (if in the U.S.)



United States

Professional Biography

Professor Marshall’s (Pepperdine University) research has focused on instructed second language acquisition and identities and language ideologies in the Francophone world. Her current research project, with Dr. Bokhorst-Heng (Crandall University), unites these two areas to consider intercultural competence and mediation in Canadian French immersion programs, informed by ethics of care.

Secondary Presenters

Wendy Bokhorst-Heng, Crandall University
State (if in the U.S.)


Professional Biography

Professor Wendy Bokhorst-Heng’s (Faculty of Education, Crandall University, Canada) research interests include language identity and ideology, immersion education, and intercultural competence. She teaches in the areas of diversity and multicultural education, and instructional and learning practices where pedagogies of care are emphasised as essential practice.
