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2022 International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence

Virtual. All sessions will be accessed through the conference app, which will be accessible to registered attendees in January.

Construction of Otherness through Discourse in Virtual Exchange

samedi 29 janvier 2022 à 10:00–12:00 MST
Presentation Summary

Drawing on data collected from students’ e-portfolios, the study focuses on the discursive construction of otherness in a Virtual Exchange project arranged between three countries. Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is applied as the main analytical framework to examine the representations of the Other in the students’ writings.

Primary Presenter

Judit Hahn, University of Jyväskylä
State (if in the U.S.)


Professional Biography

Judit Hahn works as a Senior University Lecturer in English at the Department of Language and Communication Studies of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Her main field is discourse and linguistics studies. She has arranged several Virtual Exchange projects with universities from other countries and conducted research on the topic. 

Secondary Presenters

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