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2022 International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence

Virtual. All sessions will be accessed through the conference app, which will be accessible to registered attendees in January.

Learning Languages as Culture Critically Though Ethnographic Interviewing

samedi 29 janvier 2022 à 14:30–16:30 MST
Presentation Summary

Results are presented of an experimental module in English for Intercultural Communication taught at Sapienza University (Rome, Italy) in 2020, using the online and classroom materials created for the EU project Picture. Links are given to the written and video materials students produced in their real and virtual encounters with native speakers.

Primary Presenter

Patrick Boylan, Roma Tre University
State (if in the U.S.)


Professional Biography

Patrick Boylan, emeritus professor of English at Roma Tre University pioneered teaching languages as new "wills to be" producing new "wills to mean". He holds a degree in English and psychology from Saint Mary's College in his native California and a DES in literary stylistics from the Sorbonne.

Secondary Presenters

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