LIVE STREAM: These presentations will be broadcast on the virtual main stage live stream. Live Q&A will take place at the end of the session block after all presentations in that block have commenced.
ON-DEMAND SESSIONS & SHORT TALKS: These presentations will be made available on-demand to all attendees at the start of the conference. The 90-minute presentation time listed for these presentations is for a text-based Q&A session between presenters and attendees.
*Session times are subject to change.
Equitable Access and Textbook Affordability
Conference Track
4. External Relationships
Libraries are used to shoestring budgets, but well-funded projects present unique challenges. At UCF, a department outside the library (Multicultural Academic and Support Services) earmarked funds for eBooks used as textbooks. We worked together to communicate limitations on eBook licensing, user models, availability, and the best way to reach students.