LIVE STREAM: These presentations will be broadcast on the virtual main stage live stream. Live Q&A will take place at the end of the session block after all presentations in that block have commenced.
ON-DEMAND SESSIONS & SHORT TALKS: These presentations will be made available on-demand to all attendees at the start of the conference. The 90-minute presentation time listed for these presentations is for a text-based Q&A session between presenters and attendees.
*Session times are subject to change.
Navigating Mountains of Books: Using Title Matching to Convert Physical Collections to “E”
Conference Track
2. Collection Development & Assessment
While libraries have been steadily transitioning collections to electronic format, the sudden shift to hybrid environments has dramatically accelerated the demand for remote access to content. To ensure ongoing support of the vast and varied needs of their users, libraries need electronic resources, such as books, periodicals, music scores and more.
In this session, you’ll hear from two librarians who used title matching to grow their electronic collections. Courtney Fuson from Belmont University who will share how a weeding project at their library turned into a greater effort to add e-content across various subjects. Then, you’ll hear from Tracy Gilmore, who needed an affordable way to provide the appropriate access to meet the evolving demands of students at California State University (CSU) Long Beach.