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2022 Annual Conference

May 19–21, 2022

Sheraton Sand Key, Clearwater Beach, FL, US

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A1b Assessing the Association between Equity Portfolio Holdings and the Miscalibration of Financial Risk Tolerance

Thursday, May 19, 2022 at 3:30 PM–5:00 PM EDT
Room 1
Key Words

risk tolerance, overconfidence, estimation bias, calibration of risk tolerance, miscalibration

Short Description

The purpose of this study was to determine how well investors are able to estimate their financial risk tolerance and to determine if categories of financial risk-tolerance miscalibration are associated with investment risk taking. Using data from a panel study of 408 investors, it was determined that 22% of study participants underestimated their risk tolerance, whereas 28% overestimated their risk tolerance. It was further ascertained that those who exhibited an overestimation bias held more equites in their portfolios in comparison to those who either underestimated or accurately estimated their willingness to take financial risk. Household income, wealth status, and education were also found to be predictors of future equity holdings.


John Grable, University of Georgia


John Grable, University of Georgia
Eun Jin Kwak, University of Georgia