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2022 Annual Conference

May 19–21, 2022

Sheraton Sand Key, Clearwater Beach, FL, US

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D2b Financial Hardships and Psychological Distress During Covid-19 By Racial and Ethnic Groups

Friday, May 20, 2022 at 2:00 PM–3:30 PM EDT
Room 2
Key Words

racism, financial hardship, psychological stress, financial stress

Short Description

The objective of this study is to examine the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the lives of Maryland population as well as minorities and those residing in rural communities in Maryland. This study specifically focuses on the racial differences in terms of health and financial life with a goal of better understanding mental health and financial hardships during the pandemic. The objective of this study is to examine the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the lives of the Maryland population as well as minorities and those residing in rural communities in Maryland. This study specifically focuses on the racial differences in terms of health and financial life with a goal of better understanding mental health and financial hardships during the pandemic. Results show that psychological distress and financial hardship differ by racial and ethnic groups. Further, the financial hardship during Covid-19 and racism trauma among racial/ethnic minorities positively relates to their psychological distress.


Jinhee Kim, University of Maryland


Jinhee Kim, University of Maryland
Isha Chawla, University of Maryland College Park
Sae Rom Chung, University of Maryland
Dorothy Nuckols, University of Maryland Extension