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2022 Annual Conference

May 19–21, 2022

Sheraton Sand Key, Clearwater Beach, FL, US

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G3a Interventions Designed to Improve Financial Capability: A Systematic Review

Saturday, May 21, 2022 at 10:30 AM–12:00 PM EDT
Room 3
Key Words

Financial Capability Intervention, Systematic Review, Financial Knowledge, Financial Acccess

Short Description

For many reasons, there is growing interest academic and public policy interest and investment in financial capability interventions. The study reviews and synthesizes the scientific evidence for consumer financial capability interventions. These interventions feature a combination of financial knowledge and skills, and access to appropriate financial products and services, such as Individual Development Accounts, Child Development Accounts, and Home Ownership Education and Counseling. No previous systematic review has been published on financial capability interventions. 24 unique studies (i.e., used unique samples) are included in this review. Six of those 24 unique studies were large longitudinal studies that presented unique analyses in sub-studies that used different time points, subsamples, and/or outcomes. Results suggest a lack of strong evidence about the effectiveness of financial capability interventions, which has implications for practice and policy. While each type of financial capability intervention has a unique evidence base, this lack of evidence across financial capability intervention points to the need to develop a more definitive evidence base about whether the combination of financial education and financial access provides benefits to clients on specific outcomes.


Dr. Julie M Birkenmaier, PhD, Saint Louis University


Julie Birkenmaier, Saint Louis University
Brandy Maynard, St. Louis University
Youngmi Kim, Virginia Commonwealth University