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CRRA 2022 Conference & Tradeshow

del 6 al 9 de September del 2022

The Seabird Resort in Oceanside, CA

Driving Sustainability in the National School District

jueves, el 8 de septiembre de 2022 a las 14:45–16:15 PDT
Seagaze A


Session Description

Too often, underserved schools and communities do not receive the resources needed to adequately inform residents of pollution mitigation strategies and pressing climate change issues. In schools located in Environmental Justice (EJ) communities many schools do not even have a coherent recycling program, which is typically one of the gateway programs to school and community sustainability.  

When schools begin to embrace and master initial "green" measures like recycling, it opens the door to other sustainability best practices. Students, teachers and administrators all gain confidence in making the system changes needed to reduce waste while at the same time celebrate hitting impressive benchmarks. Most schools cut their waste in half just by implementing a robust recycling program.

This session will follow the journey of National School District on its path to becoming a green school district. National City is a vulnerable community whose residents experience disproportionate exposure to harmful pollutants and as a result face significant health challenges.  In 2018, the administration of the National School District decided to focus on driving up school sustainability. Despite their efforts being interrupted by a global pandemic, the District has managed to accomplish major changes to the school culture and continues to improve on their sustainability efforts each year.


Camille Sowinski, BCK Programs

Managing Partner

Speaker Abstract

Camille will discuss how National School District started on their path toward sustainability. Atendees will hear the early efforts to motivate students, staff and administrators. She'll then introduce two Principals from the school district who have been instrumental in ensuring the initial stewardship efforts continue and who are committed to keep improving every year. 


Alfonso Denegri , Palmer Way Elementary School


Speaker Abstract

Alfonso will recount his experience being one of the first champions within his school district to embrace more sustainable best practices. He'll explain how he was able to work with students and staff to make progress and discuss some of the challenges he overcame in making a few sweeping changes within the district. 

Bryan Vine , El Toyon Elementary School


Speaker Abstract

Bryan will explain the challenges and successes involved with being one of the first champions within his school district to promote sustainable best practices. He'll provide a road map based on his own experiences to other school staff and adminstrators on how to proceed to get the best results. 


Debbi Dodson, Carton Council