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IGeLU 2022 Hybrid Conference and Developers' Day 12 -15th September, 2022

du 12 au 15 September 2022

Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (RWCMD) - North Road, Cardiff CF10 3ER, UK

Conference Theme: Still here! - the library in the new normal

IGeLU website: IGeLU 2022 Annual Conference | Program in Google Sheet

Creating a unique title search tool using Alma Analytics

mardi 13 septembre 2022 à 16:00–16:30 BST add to calendar
Richard Burton Theatre

Virtual session (and available to physical attendees)

Session Abstract

The international cataloging standard, Resource Description and Access (RDA), requires a unique access point for every title. The Alma title field searches 38 MARC fields and over 100 subfields, so determining if your title is unique can be difficult in Alma when your title is only a few words long. This presentation will show how the National Library of Medicine created an advanced formula in Alma Analytics that normalizes the MARC 245 field, removes initial articles, and only returns the subfields in the 245 field that determine title uniqueness ($a, $n, $p). We will also discuss why the out-of-the-box Analytics field Title (Normalized) is not suitable to determine title uniqueness. The tool we have created allows cataloguers to do a single search that finds all possible title conflicts and shows them what title qualifiers are already in use.



Ex Libris Products


Area of Focus


Target Audience Skill Level



Alvin Stockdale, National Library of Medicine
Presenter's job title


LinkedIn URL
Twitter URL


Michael Davidson, National Library of Medicine
Co-presenter's job title
LinkedIn URL
Twitter URL
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